In accordance with emerging needs…
Forced labour in occupied Serbia 1941-1944
Zoran Janjetović
»U skladu sa nastalom potrebom…«
Prinudni rad u okupiranoj Srbiji 1941-1944.
The content / Sadržaj
- List of abbreviations / Spisak skraćenica
- Introduction / Uvod
- I Spatial framework of the research and the definition of forced labour / Prostorni okvir istraživanja i definicija prinudnog rada
- II German economic interests in Yugoslavia until 1941 / Nemački ekonomski interesi u Jugoslaviji do 1941
- III Occupation of Serbia and German economic interests / Okupacija Srbije i nemački ekonomski interesi
- IV Serbian authorities under occupation / Srpski organi vlasti pod okupacijom
- V The labour in the ideology of Nedic’s regime / Rad u ideologiji Nedićevog režima
- VI Coercion apparatus of Nedic government / Organi prinude Nedićeve vlade
- VII Occupying system in Serbian Banat and in part of Kosovo occupied by Germany / Okupacioni sistem u srpskom Banatu i na delu Kosova koji je okupirala Nemačka
- VIII Forced labor under conditions of occupation / Kuluk u uslovima okupacije
- IX Forced labor as a punishment / Prinudni rad kao kazna
- X Forced labor of Jewish and Roma peoples / Prinudni rad Jevreja i Cigana
- XI Forced labor of prisoners of war / Prinudni rad ratnih zarobljenika
- XII Recruiting for ‘’voluntary’’labour in the Raich / Vrbovanje za »dobrovoljni« rad u Rajhu
- XIII Living conditions of Serbian workers in the Rich and care of Serbian government for them / Životni uslovi srpskih radnika u Rajhu i briga srpske vlade za njih
- XIV Serbian village youth in Germany / Srpski seoski omladinci u Nemačkoj
- XV ‘’Mandatory labour’’ in Serbia: recruitment and escaping / »Obavezni rad« u Srbiji: regrutovanje i bežanje
- XVI Hungarian Jewish people and forced work in Bor mines / Mađarski Jevreji na prinudnom radu u Borskom rudniku
- XVII Problems in acquiring workforce since summer of 1943 / Problemi obezbeđivanja radne snage od leta 1943
- XVIII Living conditions of recruits of ‘’mandatory labour’’ / Uslovi života obveznika na »obaveznom radu«
- XIX ‘’Mandatory labour’’ in occupied Banat / »Obavezni rad« u okupiranom Banatu
- XX National service for the renewal of Serbia / Nacionalna služba za obnovu Srbije
- Conclusion / Zaključak
- Summary